Fáilte chuig gaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil CLG

Insurance policies

The Association arranges an annual Property & Combined Liability Insurance cover for all affiliated units of the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association. Premiums are billed by GAA finance department to GAA County Boards and the LGFA and Camogie Association who allocate and collect the premium across their affiliated units.

If a unit has not paid the premium as billed, they will not be provided with an indemnity in the event of a claim arising under either policy cover. Cover is conditional on the unit being a current affiliated unit of the relevant Association and operating in compliance with the relevant Associations Official Guide and GAA Code of Behaviour Underage at all times.

The renewal date of all covers is 1 October annually. Our appointed insurance brokers are Marsh Ireland.

Buildings are insured on a reinstatement value basis where max sum insured per location is €12m with inner limits of €250,000 per full size artificial pitch and €110,000 per grass pitch. Policy excesses are listed on page 4 of the policy . Cover only responds in the event of an Insured Peril (Fire, Lightening, Theft etc. as detailed in policy document etc.) occurring.

The business of the GAA as declared to insurers is that of a Sporting Organisation responsible for organisation and promotion of Gaelic Games.

Liability Insurance cover is not in place to cover individuals but in place to cover the legal liability of the affiliated unit. Therefore, when a solicitor’s letter is received by a unit, Liability Insurance is in place to respond to that correspondence on behalf of the unit and the claim is handled accordingly by Insurers subject to the T&C of the policy.

All clubs must have a current Health & Safety Statement with risk assessments completed in place.

Fundraising and all Health and Wellbeing activities must be notified in advance and an extension of cover requested.

Construction / Facilities Development works – must be notified in advance to ensure when works are completed the facility can be included under the central Property & Liability insurance covers.

Please note that if a formal claim arises and it is established that the affiliated unit was in breach of the terms of cover, Insurers will decline the claim and the affiliated unit will be solely responsible for funding all claims costs and any awards from their own resources.

Insurance Contact Information

GAA Insurance
Sinead Leavy
01 865 8660

Marsh Ireland
01 604 8114 or 01 604 8220