Fáilte chuig gaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil CLG

Oral History

Andrew Healy

Andrew Healy charts his involvement in the GAA from his youth in Kerry to his move overseas, first to Amsterdam and subsequently to the United States where he was influential in the development of club in the Washington region. Healy discusses the centrality of the GAA to Kerry life and the narrowness of the social experience that was open to him there. He talks about the lessons he took from his early GAA involvement and discusses the beginning s of the Washington Gaels club following a meeting with a fellow Kerryman in the city. Healy discusses the development of the GAA in Washington – and wider continent – and reflects on the costs of participation, the competition from other sports, the barriers to growing the sports among the young Americans from non-Irish backgrounds, the unfair support given to certain units of the Association in America and difficulties in securing places to play. Healy also offers perspectives on the GAA in Ireland and is particularly complimentary towards Seán Kelly and his contribution towards the opening of Croke Park.